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25 Aug, 2022
Visits to Taiwan Raise ChinaÃs Ire, but Unlikely to Have Market Impact
Michael Rosen, chief investment officer at Angeles Investments, says in the near-term it's not in either country's interest to impose capital constraints or other actions detrimental to foreign investments.
17 Aug, 2022
Invigorating Impact: Designing an ESG Program for Community Foundation Donors
Incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into a portfolio can invigorate donors by aligning their charitable dollars to the investment program. Angeles takes a holistic approach to responsible investing and creates custom...
3 Aug, 2022
Don't Give Up on the 60/40 Strategy It Could be Headed for Double-Digit Returns
Last September, Michael Rosen, chief investment officer of Angeles Investments and Angeles Wealth, wrote in an op-ed for CNBC that the 60/40 portfolio has "reached its expiration date."
1 Aug, 2022
John Harris owned a skating rink in Pittsburgh. In 1940, he invited Olympic star Sonja Henie to skate between periods of professional hockey games to entertain the crowd. It became a crowd favorite, ...
1 Aug, 2022
July 2022 Global Market Index Performance
Global equities posted positive returns in July with the MSCI ACWI IMI up 7.1%, the S&P 500 up 9.2%, and non-US developed equity markets up 5.0% in dollar terms. Growth stocks outperformed value stocks for the month, and small cap stocks...
26 Jul, 2022
Evaluating Client Risk: 9 Takeaways for Advisors
"I think PE funds are dangerous if clients are buying something they don't understand and will be locked up for a long time," said Jonathan Foster, CEO of Angeles Wealth Management. "They are getting the stuff that couldn't get distributed via..."
19 Jul, 2022
Beach Reading
It is definitely beach weather, and I have a dozen recommendations for you. Happy reading! FictionDay for Night, Frederich ReikenMesmerizing characters woven in disparate plot threads makes this a ...
18 Jul, 2022
Asset Owners Take Action to Modify Portfolios Amid Volatile Markets
"Holding cash is not a long-term investment plan, as inflation erodes its value, but it is more attractive than the alternatives at the moment and has optionality value as well," CIO Michael Rosen said.
11 Jul, 2022
2nd Quarter 2022 - Pendulum
Aristarchus of Samos was the first to propose a heliocentric model of the universe, 2,300 years ago. Observing the time it took for the Earth's shadow to engulf the Moon during a lunar eclipse, Aristarchus applied some basic geometric calculations...
11 Jul, 2022
A Forecasted Budget Decline: How an Endowment Responded
Read our most recent case study to learn how Angeles partnered with an independent school challenged by budgetary pressures stemming from a material increase in forecasted expenses.
6 Jul, 2022
Stock Markets Inch Higher as Investors Study Fed Minutes
"The challenge for monetary policy will become much more acute as the Fed is forced to balance elevated inflation with a contracting economy," our CIO Michael Rosen shared today with The Wall Street Journal.
1 Jul, 2022
June 2022 Global Market Index Performance
Global equities posted negative returns in June with the MSCI ACWI IMI down -8.6%, the S&P 500 down -8.3%, and non-US developed equity markets down -9.3% in dollar terms. Growth stocks outperformed value stocks for the month, and small cap stocks...
21 Jun, 2022
Shelter from the Storm
The next decade is going to look very different from the previous 10 years for endowments and foundations, in particular higher-ed institutions. Angeles Investments Managing Director Garry Duncan offers a view of the storm that lies ahead.
15 Jun, 2022
Fed Hikes Rates by 0.75 Percentage Point, Flags Slowing Economy
"The Fed is in a very difficult position that frankly, they put themselves in by mishandling monetary policy and allowing inflation to rise as much as it has. There's just simply no sign that inflation is turning," said Michael Rosen, CIO of Angeles.
14 Jun, 2022
What a Start!
Michael Rosen, Angeles' Chief Investment Officer, shares his thoughts on the markets in this presentation, "What a Start!"
6 Jun, 2022
Angeles Recognized for its Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Angeles Investments, celebrates the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives that contributed to the firm recently being recognized as an Outstanding Practice in InvestmentNewsà 2022 DEI Award program.
1 Jun, 2022
May 2022 Global Market Index Performance
Global equities posted slightly positive returns in May with the MSCI ACWI IMI up 0.1%, the S&P 500 up 0.2%, and non-US developed equity markets up 0.7% in dollar terms. Value stocks outperformed growth stocks for the month, and small cap stocks...
31 May, 2022
Private Equity Funds for Retail Investors? Advisors See Serious Risks
"As a general statement, providing private equity exposure to mass affluent clients is a bad idea," says Angeles Wealth Management CEO, Jonathan Foster. While private equity investing has become more mainstream in recent years, Foster warned...
19 May, 2022
Boutique OCIOs Carve Out Niche in Crowded Market
The OCIO market "bifurcates" between those investors content to have a "low-cost, middle-of-the-road" portfolio that looks very similar to most others and performs about the same, and those that want something more differentiated, said Michael Rosen.
12 May, 2022
Advisors Say Fed Is Behind Curve. Catching Up Could Be a 'Rocky Road.'
With the Fed planning to sharply hike interest rate hikes, Angeles Investments Managing Director, Harry Grand, was asked by Barron's to weigh in on the Fed's strategy.
11 May, 2022
InvestmentNews Hosts Fifth Annual Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Awards
InvestmentNews hosted its fifth annual Excellence in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Awards Wednesday to celebrate individuals and firms that are helping to make financial advice a more diverse profession.
11 May, 2022
High inflation, Declining Stocks and Bonds Cause Trouble for Worker pensions
Michael Rosen, managing partner and chief investment officer at Angeles Investments, joins CBS News to discuss the impact inflation coupled with the falling stock and bonds markets have had on Americans' pensions and retirement funds.
10 May, 2022
Yellow Flag
When cars crash in an auto race, the yellow flag comes out. This requires drivers to slow down and stay in their positions, allowing time for the crews to move the debris off the track so it can be ...
4 May, 2022
What Causes Inflation?
"The price of any particular good going up or down is not inflation," says Michael Rosen, CIO at Angeles Investment Advisors. "Inflation is caused by the supply-demand imbalance of money, , not the supply and demand imbalance of a particular good...